E Postcode Area

Geoinformation, maps, downloads and statistics for UK Postcodes


There are 29166 postcodes inside the postcode area E. Of this, there are 19 districts. Please find a summary of the 19 Postcode districts of the E area below

E1 Poplar
E10 Walthamstow
E11 Walthamstow
E12 Stratford
E13 East Ham
E14 Poplar
E15 Stratford
E16 East Ham
E17 Walthamstow
E18 Ilford
E1W Poplar
E2 Poplar
E3 Poplar
E4 Walthamstow
E5 Hackney
E6 East Ham
E7 Stratford
E8 Hackney
E9 Hackney

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